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What is Pasture Raised/Free Range?Our Animals are pastured, they are raised outdoors walking freely in our fenced pastures. We provide a Shelter used by animal choice. The USDA describes "free-range” as “having access to outdoors”, this intentional confusion caused by labeling.
How much freezer space do I need?It is recommended to have 1 cubic foot per 35/40 lbs. of cut wrapped meat.
What is Regenerative Agriculture?Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that seeks to rehabilitate and enhance the entire ecosystem of the farm by placing a heavy focus on soil health with attention also paid to water management, fertilizer use, and more.
How much do the animals weight?All weights listed are approximate ranges. We do our best to manage weights with in reason.
Do I have to buy the entire animal?Custom butchering requires the sale of the Animal "before processing", The Cows are sold by 1/2, 1/4 or whole and Pigs by the 1/2 or whole. USDA allows for meat to be sold individually by piece. We are working towards acquiring a USDA Butcher for the future. Chicken is sold as a Roaster or Individual pieces. Breast, Wings, Thighs. Processed June-September Turkeys are Sold whole every November.
Do you wash your eggs?Farm-fresh eggs are sold from our farm unwashed but have been inspected, keeping the natural protective bloom that protects and keeps the egg safe. Typically, just rinsing the eggs with warm water before using them is best. Unwashed eggs will last at least two weeks non-refrigerated, and three months if refrigerated. Washed eggs should be refrigerated, and will last at least two months, but won't taste as fresh as an unwashed egg of the same age. Selling off farm requires us to wash and label per government guidelines. We do not ship eggs at this time.
What does Custom mean?A Farmer can sell a live animal to a consumer (or half an animal to one consumer, and a quarter of the animal to each of two additional consumers, or something similar). At this point, the consumer becomes the owner of the animal. The Farmer then delivers the animal to a custom slaughter facility on behalf of the owner/consumer, and the owner/consumer works directly with the custom slaughter facility to determine what types of cuts should be processed. The processed meat is then stamped “not for sale,” and the owner/consumer may not sell or give it away. It may only be consumed by the owner, the owner’s family, and non-paying guests. The consumer is responsible for payment to both the Farmer (for the live animal) and the processor (for the slaughter/processing).
Do you Vaccinate your animals?Our ruminants are Treated for Clostridium perfringens type C + D and tetanus as a preventative measure. Our chicks come already vaccinated from the Hatchery. Our hogs have no scheduled vaccine at wean. Dewormer will be used if any issues come up later in life, but this does not happen often. We try to do everything we can to avoid any vaccines that are not essential to the health of our animals. Our Animals Health is our top priority. "Clostridium is a genus of anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria. Species of Clostridium inhabit soils and the intestinal tract of animals, including humans." "Tetanus is characterized by twitching of muscles around a wound, pain in neck and jaw muscles (trismus), and around the wound. Patients have no fever, but sweat profusely and exhibit muscle rigidity and spasms."
How often can I get Meat from the farm?Fresh chicken is available all summer from June thru September. They are pasture raised and we process every 6 weeks. Frozen is available all year until supply is depleted. We are a small herd. The availability of beef is dependent on our calving cycles. We aim to do a batch every Fall. Pork is yearly. We raise them thru the summer and process in the early fall. Turkeys are Done for the Thanksgiving Holiday and Grown and Processed once a year in November.
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